Basic git commands for beginners with examples

Git is a popular version control system (VCS). Wait , what is a Version Control System ?

" Version Control System keeps track of the records changes to a set of files over time " 

Why we need Git or any other VCS ? Only to keep the code in a remote repository as a backup ? Is VCS a waste of time ? Lets find answers for these questions.

When we are creating individual projects we may not want to use a VCS. But VCS is very useful for team projects.

Imagine you are working on a team project without using a VCS. Each of your team members given individual tasks and plan is to combine those tasks at the end. But practically it would be a very difficult. There can be lots of redundant of codes, redundant of libraries,  sometimes combining costs lots of time and even may be unable to combine.

Imagine a scenario in which everybody can work under a same framework, every one do there part and add to a common repository so that different individuals can see who has committed (added the code),  when it is included, what are the changes etc. Life is so easy !

This is precisely what Version Control System capable for.

You always have a updated local repository (repository in your computer) of the remote repository (repository in VCS network) (pull). Changes you've made is first effects in your local repository. Then push(add) those changes to remote repository. 

Basic git commands

git branch : show which branch you are currently working

list down branches working on. start symbol shows the current branch working on

git status : current status of your local repository (modified files)

modified file with the path is shown red color

git diff path-to-file : show what are the changes of modified file

removed line of the file is shown with red color

git reset --hard HEAD : reset local repository

HEAD is now reset to current fix AAERESAA-19915

less .git/config : configure git configurations

git pull : update local repository from remote repository (pull changes from  remote repository to local)

git checkout – –track path-to-branch : changes the working path

git reset – –soft shaID : reset the state until given shaID

git add path-to-file : stage the file (ready the file to commit)

git commit -m “commit-message” : commit the file

git push origin branch-name : push to remote repository

gitk : shows the git repository browser


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